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The Deck by AIGA

"Birds of a feather play cards together"




I chose the emu because I see them almost every weekend on my bike ride. Unlike the last two editions (seahorse and ferret), I really wanted to draw something that I could see in person and touch and observe.

Field Research

Emus are often confused for their look-alikes - Ostriches.


  • Coarse feather - feels like bristles of brushes you didn't wash right away after use.

  • Color - brownish gray body, black and kind of shiny luster head and neck

  • 3 toes

  • Mil, curious temper


  • Soft feather - fluffy too!

  • Color - Luscious black body and pinkish tan neck and head

  • 2 toes

  • Do not get close to their pen!

Culture Research

Australian Aboriginal art is created tediously with dots of varying size and color to convey movement and texture.

Australian Aboriginal art is a unique and fascinating form of artistic expression characterized by its use of

  • intricate patterns

  • bold colors

  • symbolic imagery

that reflects their culture, environment, and beliefs.

The Portfolio by Katy Chen

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