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Social Media & Branding

The company's primary color palette revolves around their signature red. As the Marketing Specialist, I support my director in our goal of increasing brand awareness via social media by identifying trends and creating collateral for the effort.

From the following examples of campaigns I had suggested, our engagement rate saw a rise from a low average of 3.6% to an elevated average of 17% as tracked and monitored via our CRM platform.

Employee Spotlight

As companies steer toward showcasing company culture, I took it a step further and advocated to featuring and acknowledging the people.

Carousel Tips

The objective of these tips are to serve the public. Topics range from resume what-to-do's to interview tips and even workplace etiquettes.

National Intern Day

To celebrate and say a special thanks to our interns, I created a simple motion graphic video to post on National Intern Day.

The Portfolio by Katy Chen

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